As purveyors of contact lenses in Canada and the U.S., we like to think we have our finger on the pulse of the lens game. In the coming decades, contacts will be used for more than just improving eyesight. In fact, lots of high-tech lenses are already in the works. Here at Fresh Lens, we’ve predicted the future of contact lenses (note: while the ideas are real, the dates are mostly from our imagination. But, hey, it’s our blog post).
This is the tentative release date for bionic contact lenses that will help people see up to three times better than 20/20 and replace the need for glasses. While the product requires a quick surgery and it could be a while before it’s affordable for everyone, once the clinical trials are complete, these lenses will likely be on the market.
Blink and snap photos when cameras are embedded into contact lenses. This future contact lens technology is actually already here with Samsung scoring a patent in South Korea for lenses with a display, camera, an antenna and sensors to project images right into the eyes. By 2022, we predict – likely wishful thinking – that the technology will be available to the public (so Samsung should probably get to work!). Imagine scrolling through your Instagram feed when everyone is wearing their camera. Actually, is that a good thing?
Google’s smart contact lenses will come to fruition to compile a range of biological data about the individual wearing them. The company really does have a patent on solar-powered smart contact lenses that can communicate with computers and collect biological information. They announced they were testing lenses that could be used by diabetics to measure glucose levels in tears but they may also go further and collect information like blood alcohol level and body temperature.
We’ll be able to see in pitch-black conditions and even pick up heat signatures with graphene night vision lenses. Great for the military, but also handy for late night treks to the kitchen for a midnight snack.
The telescopic contact lenses that Swiss researchers are developing will be perfected. The lenses contain miniscule telescopes that allow the wearer to zoom in and out by winking. This could be extremely helpful for people with low vision and age-related macular degeneration.
Contact lenses will project images that float right in front of our faces. While companies like Innovega already created a prototype of contact lenses that project data off a pair of glasses, we think it’s high time we lose the glasses and just use the air around us as our personal screen. Pull up your calendar, engage in some serious virtual reality games or synch it with your iPhone to read your text messages.
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