Only for customers in the USA. Not applicable for Canada.
Renew Your Contacts Prescriptions
Online For Free*
*$15 or Free on orders over $200
Renew your vision prescription using our online vision test. It takes about 6 minutes and most prescriptions are issued within 2 hours.

How it Works
You take the test online
You’ll need your phone, your computer, and 10 feet of space. The test takes about 6 minutes to complete.
A doctor reviews your results
A licensed optometrist or opthalmologist in your region will review and dispense your results.
Use your results to see visibly
Access your results anywhere and anytime through our online portal.
Take our test,
Renew your Rx.
We know you’re busy. So we’ve made prescription renewal easy: take our online vision test at any time from the comfort of your home.
Our test is all you need to get a renewed vision prescription. The test will take about 6 minutes and over 90% of our prescriptions are issued in under 24 hours.
Take your eye exam from the comfort of your home. It takes about 6 minutes.
Access your prescription through your device anywhere and at any time.
Doctor Approved
All prescriptions are issued by an eye care professional licensed in your state.
You’ll need:
- 10 feet of space
- A mobile device and/or computer or tablet display
- Your prescription for your current correction
You’ll be wearing your current correction throughout the test.
There are certain age, location, and vision health requirements to qualify for taking our vision test.
In general, in order to be eligible for Visibly’s online vision test you must:
- Reside in a U.S. state where our test is currently activated (view a list of active states)
- Be between the ages of 18-55 (view age details)
- Have no health conditions or take any medication that may impact your vision
You can learn about our service in more detail by reading our Device Information when starting your test.
Our test helps you renew your glasses or contacts prescription from home by evaluating your visual acuity in your current correction and sending the results for review by a licensed doctor in your state.
It’s best suited for people whose vision has not changed, have recently completed a comprehensive eye exam, and are:
- Looking to renew an expired prescription, or
- Looking to purchase glasses or contacts
If our test detects that your vision has changed we will not renew your prescription and recommend that you see an in-person doctor.
The Visibly Digital Acuity Product does not perform or replace an initial eye examination. Consult an eye care professional if you have not previously had an eye examination.
The Visibly Digital Acuity Product does not perform or replace a comprehensive eye examination, nor does it assess eye health. Consult an eye care professional for a comprehensive eye examination yearly or any time you are experiencing pain or discomfort. This test is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or cure disease.
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Visibly Digital Acuity Product, a version of which is 510(k) pending, and the Single Device Acuity Product are manufactured and distributed by Visibly, Inc. and operate under the Enforcement Policy for Remote Ophthalmic Assessment and Monitoring Devices during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency issued by the FDA in April 2020. Neither product has been approved by the FDA. The data and recommendations made by the Visibly Digital Acuity Product and Single Device Acuity Product are adjunctive (supporting) recommendations that will be used by an Eye Care Provider, along with your medical history and profile, prior corrective eyewear prescriptions, and subjective data provided about your vision. It is the responsibility of the patient to provide accurate information through the process as all of this information will be relied upon as accurate by the reviewing Eye Care Provider. All Eye Care Providers are associated with Optimized Eyecare, P.C., or other entities that provide clinical services. Visibly, Inc. is an independent entity that does not provide any eyecare or clinical services.