Contact lenses are such a convenient way to correct your vision and thanks to advances in comfort and materials most people will do just fine rocking contacts. Don’t get us wrong; you should have a pair of glasses as backup in case your eyes become irritated. It is good to take a break from contacts everyday, like when you want to read a few chapters before falling asleep or even to look smart at a job interview. So if you’re asking yourself, “Should I get contacts or glasses?” it’s not necessarily one or the other. In most cases, we’d say give contact lenses a try and that’s not just because we sell contact lenses in Canada and the U.S. We’re just fans of the ease of use and superb peripheral vision afforded by them. Take our “should I get contact lenses?” quiz to see if you can benefit from them. However, always remember, you’ll need to schedule an examination with an eye care professional to make the final determination.
Are your eyes one of your best features?
YES: Wearing contact lenses will let you show off your peepers and give the world an unobstructed view of your baby blues (or greens or browns or hazels). A lot of people prefer how their eyes appear in contact lenses as opposed to glasses.
NO: Sounds like you need a self-esteem boost! While glasses will do a better job of obscuring your eyes, we doubt that’s necessary. If you’re not happy with your eye color, try colored contacts to shake things up.
Are your eyes extremely sensitive or dry?
YES: Contact lenses have come a long way and lenses like Air Optix Aqua and Dailies AquaComfort Plus are breathable and manage moisture for comfortable wear even if you have dry or sensitive eyes. Your eye doctor will let you know if certain conditions will preclude you from contact lens use or if you’ll need to wear them for shorter periods of time but this is rare. In most cases, keeping them clean, choosing the right lenses, using moisturizing drops and following your eye care professional’s instructions will result in a long and happy relationship with contact lenses.
NO: What are you waiting for? Jump on the contacts train. Did we mention we offer free shipping on contact lenses?
Are you extremely busy or simply lazy about your personal care?
YES: Good news, with daily-wear contact lenses, you can wear them once and toss them. There’s no need to clean them or care for them. Though even if you opt for weekly or monthly contacts, they only require minimal upkeep these days. It will probably actually take up less of your time than cleaning your glasses.
NO: Contact lens care is extremely simple. Check out our guide to cleaning your contact lenses. If you can keep up with a daily regimen of brushing your teeth, you can definitely handle contact lenses.
Do you live an active lifestyle?
YES: When you wear contact lenses, you don’t run the risk of breaking them, which makes them much safer and easier than wearing glasses when playing sports. If you engage in a lot of outdoor activities, you don’t need to worry about them getting foggy or streaked with rain like glasses. You’ll be able to see more clearly and perform at your peak.
NO: You’re honest; we like that! While contact lenses offer some major bonuses to people with an active lifestyle, they’re still convenient even if you don’t partake in sports or outdoor recreational activities. Even simple things, like stepping outside in the rain or cold to get to your car, are easier with contact lenses because there’s no fogging or rain-spattering going down.
Do you like to see clearly from angles?
YES: Contact lenses give you way better peripheral vision and move with your eyes, unlike glasses, so you can actually see better most of the time. Seeing is pretty important for work, any activity and Netflix binges.
NO: Hmm. You’re a rare breed. By all means, stick with some dark, non-prescription sunglasses and bump into things.
Do you have special vision requirements?
YES: In the past, this may have meant contact lenses weren’t an option but today’s contact lenses can correct a variety of vision issues. At Fresh Lens, we offer contacts for astigmatism as well as multifocal contact lenses. Contacts for everyone!
NO: The contact lens world is your oyster. Go forth and see clearly!
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