Can I Leave My Contact Lenses Without Solution? SOLVED

Can I Leave My Contact Lenses Without Solution?

August 11, 2023

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can i leave my contact lenses without solution

Welcome to Fresh Lens, your trusted authority on all things related to contact lenses. Today, we're addressing a frequently asked question, "Can I leave my contact lenses without solution?" The answer is not as simple as it might seem, and the consequences of incorrect care can impact not just your lens lifespan, but also your eye health.  

Having served countless customers over the decades, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to this important topic. 

So buckle up as we dive deep into the world of contact lens care, debunk some myths, and equip you with knowledge for healthier eyes.

What this article covers:

Understanding Contact Lenses

Understanding contact lenses, their care, and the role of solutions in maintaining their functionality is vital for anyone relying on these devices for vision correction. A key component of lens care is the contact lens solution. But is eye solution the same as eye drops, and is it safe to use contact solution to rinse eyes? Despite serving similar purposes, they aren't interchangeable. Contact solution and eye wash each have specific roles in preserving eye health and lens integrity.

Contact lens solution, for instance, serves multiple roles. It cleans, disinfects, and stores contact lenses. On the other hand, eye drops primarily serve to hydrate and soothe your eyes. This makes them quite different from each other, contrary to common misconceptions.

contact lens substitute

So, what are the best contact lens solutions? The answer depends on the type of lenses you use, and your eyes' specific needs. Always seek professional advice on this, but remember - the primary aim is to prevent infection, ensure comfort, and prolong the lifespan of your lenses.

What about using expired contact lens solution? As with any health product, using an expired product is a no-go. The efficacy of the solution decreases over time, which can jeopardize your eye health.

Finally, it's essential to properly store contact lenses when they're not in use. Using the right contact lens solution can help maintain the lenses' integrity and ensure your eyes remain healthy. At Fresh Lens, we understand the critical role that proper maintenance plays in your eye health, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

The Role of Contact Lens Solution

Contact lens solution plays a critical role in eye care, more than many people realize. It doesn't just store your lenses; it also performs key functions such as cleaning and disinfecting. This is crucial in preventing eye infections such as acanthamoeba keratitis, a severe eye condition often linked to improper lens care.

One might wonder about alternatives to contact lens solutions. For example, can you use eye wash with contacts? The simple answer is no. Eye wash is primarily designed to rinse or refresh the eyes and cannot perform the necessary disinfecting and storage functions of a lens solution.

Now, let's talk about the type of lenses you use. For rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, you'll need a specific solution designed for those types of lenses. Using the wrong solution can impact your lenses' effectiveness and potentially harm your eyes.

contact lens solution diy

A common query we encounter is, "How long can contact lenses stay in solution?" Ideally, lenses shouldn’t stay in the same solution for more than a week without being worn. If left for too long, the solution might lose its effectiveness, putting your lenses and ultimately your eyes at risk.

Myths and Misconceptions

In the world of contact lens care, myths and misconceptions abound, often leading to risky practices that can threaten eye health. One such myth is that clean water can be used to rinse or store contact lenses. This is a high-risk practice, as water contains bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause severe eye infections.

Another myth suggests that it's okay to use contact lens solution after opening it for a prolonged period. This can lead to contamination and increase the risk of eye infection. As per our extensive experience and research, always check the product's expiry date and recommended use duration after opening.

Dry eyes and contact lenses also tend to be misunderstood. Some believe that dry eyes are merely an unavoidable side effect of lens use. However, regular check-ups with an optometrist and proper use of eye drops can help manage dry eyes effectively.

Moreover, it's often thought that lenses do not require daily cleaning. This couldn't be further from the truth. It's crucial to clean and disinfect your lenses daily to remove bacteria and prevent infections, which can cause permanent damage to your eyes.

In essence, proper lens care involves understanding and avoiding such misconceptions. Armed with accurate knowledge and best practices, you can ensure that your lenses serve you well and keep your eyes healthy.

diy contact lens solution

Fresh Lens: Your Partner in Eye Care

Trusted Products for Your Eyes

As your partner in eye care, Fresh Lens proudly offers a diverse range of products tailored to your unique needs. We stock daily astigmatism contact lenses, Johnson & Johnson contact lensesBausch and Lomb daily contacts, and a variety of other reputable brands. Rest assured that every eye lens we provide is selected with the utmost care and quality assurance.

contact lens solution substitute

Your One-Stop-Shop for Lens Care

In addition to our extensive range of contact lenses, we offer all the essentials for lens care, including top-tier contact solutions. Whether you require a multi-purpose solution or a hydrogen peroxide-based one, we have you covered. 

Tailored Solutions for Your Lens Needs

Understanding that not all eyes or lenses are the same, we've curated a selection of products to suit various requirements. For instance, saline solution is an excellent choice for rinsing lenses before insertion, while specialized contact solutions are vital for cleaning and disinfecting your lenses.

With Fresh Lens, you don't just get the best products; you also benefit from our decades of experience and intricate know-how in the field. So, for all your lens care needs, remember: we're here to help you see clearly, comfortably, and affordably. 

contact lens solution alternative

As we've explored, the answer to the question, "Can I leave my contact lenses without solution?" is a resounding no. Proper lens care is essential to preventing serious eye infections and ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your lenses.

Remember to store your contact lenses in a clean contact case filled with fresh contact solution. If your contact lenses dry out, they may not only lose their shape and comfort but also harbor harmful bacteria. This rule applies to all types of lenses, whether they are daily disposable contacts or long-wear soft lenses.

Contrary to common belief, saline solution alone is insufficient for disinfecting lenses. It can rinse your lenses, but for comprehensive disinfection, a specialized contact solution is a must. 


Proper lens care is non-negotiable. It’s key to maintaining clear, comfortable, and healthy vision. Your eyes deserve nothing less.

Trust us for your contact lens needs and experience the difference that expert care and top-quality products can make. Visit us today and embrace a future of clear, healthy vision.

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I will definitely be ordering from you again fresh lens!! I can't believe how fast I got them, even with the standard delivery! Thank you so much for being awesome!! One happy customer right here!!

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